• Question: why didnt you become a doctor

    Asked by lillydixon to Gina on 20 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Gina Schade

      Gina Schade answered on 20 Jun 2017:

      I didn’t become a doctor because I discovered engineering! When I was a school I was good at all subjects and thought becoming a doctor was only academic next step for me. However, after an internship at an engineering company where I helped invent a new device, I knew this was the path for me. It combines creativity, science, maths and hands on tinkering that I find very challenging and satisfying.

      Looking back, I think I wanted to study medicine for the wrong reasons, I wanted to prove that I was smart, I didn’t take into consideration that I would be working with very ill patients and would have to watch people die. I think engineering is definitely the career that suits me!
