• Question: Do you belive that we should do everything in our power to prevent diseases and cure them, or do you think that we should let nature take its course?

    Asked by olive_000 to Chris on 14 Jun 2017.
    • Photo: Christopher Bullock

      Christopher Bullock answered on 14 Jun 2017:

      Hi Olive,

      This is an incredibly important question and it something that I think a lot about. It is true that the human population is getting too big for the planet, meaning that in some parts of the world there is not enough food and water to go around. Increasing the lives of everyone by curing every disease does not help this and death is a natural and important part of life.

      However, I do think there is a problem in medicine at the moment; We are extremely good at saving lives but many people who would have died 20 years ago are left where they are alive in a lot of pain and suffering and are not able to look after themselves. This is a massive problem in our society. My aim is not to help cure diseases but it is to restore function to people who are alive but are not able to live a normal life. If everyone will soon be living till 100, I hope that we will be able to make it so you are active and healthy at 100 rather than bed bound.
